Posted by Catherine Coe
Last week we met on the shores of long lake to pass the torch to our new President, David Munch. The weather cooperated with stellar weather so we could enjoy the hospitality of Beau Frescura. Thank you Beau and Dan Schroeder for allowing us to gather so there was a place to park. As Past president Kris mentioned we had a stellar year after he thanked his board. But when you take a minute to look back, we did do some great things. We had our ever so successful Vive le Vin thanks to Trina and her team, our first porketta bingo thanks to Gerry and David and of course the new members that allowed us to give to 11 different charities, the Perry Dellelce Paul Harris with over 400 people in attendance thanks to Gerry, the Art MacDonald Paul Harris lunch thanks to Karen and her team, our 30 days of Christmas at the mission thanks to Dawn, the Fishing for Nutrition thanks to Barb, our Rotary Park clean ups thanks to Mike and Brian, the weekly contributions to the bulletin by Sylvie Gaskin, the Salvation Army Kettles, Crosscut Distillary tour, Axe Throwing w trivia night, and how could we forget our Grinchmas party thx to Julie and Sandro. I apologize if I have missed anything. Looking forward to another great year. Have a good week folks.